Sunday, August 21, 2011


anyone whos reads this, if you even TRY to copy wat i wrote, i WILL sue u...on a better note, i now have almost 40 fully written single-spaces pages of supernatural. i have reached almost a whole entire 8 thousand pages!!!!!!! but i still have a LOT to go, i pant to write AT LEAST another 150 pages and who knows how many words....get excited!! and dont forget to buy the book when it gets published!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

a sneak peek

Chapter 1
Elaine and Jenny
It was August. 3 days until 9th grade started. I, Elaine McRodney and my best friend Jeannette “Jenny” Herder sat at the edge of my family’s little lake, our feet brushing against the cold blue water at the back of my house.
“I really don’t understand!” Jenny complained, “If you like him, call him!! It’s the twentieth century! Its almost 1966! We can do whatever we want now! It’s not like in mother’s days, when we had to wear long skirts and always act like perfect princesses!! Be rash!” Jenny’s voice was heavy with anxiousness, like it was her bearing the feeling of longing for a boyfriend. Well actually she was, but she didn’t want one named Thomas Jeffery, a 10th grader at our new school, Staples High.
“Jenny, it’s improper for me to go about calling him, even though I do have 2 short cotton skirts that go only to my knees.” I sighed. Thinking about Tom made butterfly wings grow in my stomach. I see him around town once in a while, -a nice, quaint little town, clean and warm during the summer- but the only reason I even knew his name was because of my older brother going into 11th grade. We had previously gone to different schools, Thomas and I, but now we would finally be in the same school! I always listened intently to him talking if we happened to be at Westport’s main deli, Oscars, at the same time. Just thinking about his voice was like an expensive treat. It was velvety soft, deep and mysterious, like the sea on a calm summer morning.


i have decided to write a novel. not a poem book, a novel, though i started it like yesterday so i prolly wont get past page 10 before giving up
here is what it will be about (i will post a sneak peek of the first chapter later)

Elaine and Jenny, the best of friends, have the most exciting year of their lives. In this realistic fiction tale these two girls learn how to be strong when it comes to tragedies-and love. Will they emotionally ever be the same? Maybe not, but that’s a good thing. Because of the events that take place in their lives this year, Elaine and Jenny learn at an early age what it’s like to be responsible and mature. But can they manage to handle so much at the early age of 14?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom. She, unlike Thoth, looks like a normal mortal. Except for the fact that she is 60 feet tall and more beautiful than most mortal women. Athena is benevolent, fair, strong, and merciful. She is also Zeus’s favorite child. Athena came straight from the head of Zeus. This is because Zeus swallowed Athena’s mother, Metis. But Metis went straight to Zeus’s head where she gave him endless headaches. Zeus had to split his head open to stop them.

Athena came out.